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Kenko Mizu. Hydrogen Therapy Studies.
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Kenko Mizu. Deoxidized Hydrogen Therapy.
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Kenko Mizu Video Series

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H2 Minutes Video Series

Molecular Hydrogen basic concepts

Episode 01

Meet Molecular Hydrogen

Key highlights about Molecular Hydrogen (H2): a medical gas that appears to exert therapeutic benefits, with over 600+ studies showing marked benefits for over 170 disease models, and therapeutic for virtually every organ.
Episode 02

Understanding Hydrogen Water

Many have heard of MOLECULAR HYDROGEN WATER, but not too many UNDERSTAND it. Let H2Minutes unpack some key concepts about H2 Water, including the different methods to be able to get it!
Episode 03

What is Hydrogen?

Let's take it back to the basics. To understand Molecular Hydrogen, we first have to break down what HYDROGEN is.
Episode 04

What is Molecular Hydrogen?

In this episode, we break down what Molecular Hydrogen (H2) is, in the most simplified manner.
Episode 05

How small is Molecular Hydrogen?

The size of Molecular Hydrogen is generally underrated. Most know it is the smallest molecule in the universe, but how small is that? Watch as the size of H2 is described in easy to understand visuals and examples.
Episode 06

History of Molecular Hydrogen

Take a look at the brief history of how Molecular Hydrogen became known as a medical gas. What can we tell about the future by looking at the past?
Episode 07

Gene Expression and Molecular Hydrogen

How SMART is Molecular Hydrogen?
H2 Minutes Video Series

Molecular Hydrogen and its benefits

Episode 14

Gut Health and Hydrogen

People have been turning to fiber rich diets for years because of the health benefits it produces. But why does fiber produce these benefits? Find out the connection between FIBER and MOLECULAR HYDROGEN in this video.
Episode 16

TOP 3 Reasons for Molecular Hydrogen

Molecular Hydrogen (H2) is the next big thing! And here's 3 reasons why.
Episode 19

More energy with Molecular Hydrogen

Feeling tired or sluggish? Fill up your glass with hydrogen water and watch Tywon Hubbard discuss how Molecular Hydrogen can boost your energy.
H2 Minutes Video Series

Hydrogen Water

Episode 21

Top 5 Hydrogen Water Misconceptions

Hydrogen Water can be a confusing term to first time learners. H2Minutes breaks down the top misconceptions many people have about Molecular hydrogen water.
Episode 23

Hydrogen Water Benefits for Ahtletes

If you are an elite athlete, exercise occasionally, or somewhere in between, this video is here to inform you about all the ways molecular hydrogen water can help you!
H2 Minutes Video Series


Episode 11

Antioxidants and Free Radicals. Misconceptions

Antioxidants are a common theme among the health conscious community, but most are not aware of the science behind it. Watch to find out what you should know about antioxidants, free radicals, and what to do about them!
Episode 12

Is Molecular Hydrogen the best antioxidant?

Molecular hydrogen has the potential to reduce oxidative stress by reducing or preventing the production of hydroxyl radical and peroxynitrite. H2 appears to provide these positive benefits (reduction of oxidative stress) indirectly through its signal-modulation properties.

H2Minutes/H2FX LLC does not represent or is associated with any one particular product or company but is an education and science-based organization.


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