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Compensation Plan

Prices and Compensation Plan

Step 1

Understand the benefits of Kenko Mizu and the financial opportunity.

Step 2

Subscribe as a Member.


1 Payment


Financing options (score approved)

Monthly Payment $267 $139 $97 $76 $63 $55 $49
# of Payments 12 24 36 48 60 72 84
Total $3,204 $3,346 $3,493 $3,643 $3,796 $3,955 $4,116

Step 3

Receive your system at home, install and start enjoying your water.

Step 4

Share information with family and friends form your personal Kenko Mizu site.

Teach others about the Deoxidized Hydrogen Therapy benefits.

Use your ORP meter to show everybody how incredibly antioxidant your water is.

Step 5

Let your friends and family register in your site or do it for them.
Remember that your name has to appear in the “who referred you” box.

Referral Fees

As a member receive $600 for each new member referred by you and registered through your site.
This commission is paid monthly.

Become a Kenko Mizu Consultant and receive $300 for each new member referred by your referrals. This commission is paid on a monthly basis once you have personally referred 5 new members. Register 1 new member at least every 6 months to keep active.

Become a Kenko Mizu Leader by helping 5 of your referrals to become a Kenko Mizu Consultant and receive $150 for each new member referred by their referrals.

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Kenko Mizu Registration

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You must agree to terms and conditions 
  • 1 Counter Top Deoxidizer Module
  • 4 Stage Ultra Pure
    Water Purifier
  • 1 Stage Mineral Alkalization
  • 1 ORP Meter
  • Includes 5 stage replacement kit

Your Kenko Mizu Kit includes:

4 Stage 2 sets Ultra Pure Water Purifier
1 Stage 2 Sets Mineral Alkalization
1 Counter Top Deoxidizer Module
1 ORP Meter


  • Educational Newsletters and Brochures
  • Extended Warranty and Free Service
  • Referral Program
Thanks for choosing us as your trusted source for water.

Credit or Debit Card

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Visa / Mastercard

Or Try Our Financing Option  with Aqua Finance, Inc.

Monthly Payment








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If you have any questions about the process you can send an email
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Kenko Mizu, the future of water

The Intelligent Way to Drink Water

World's best ultra pure, therapeutic, diatomic hydrogen technology with over 12 patents in Japan and worldwide.

The Intelligent Way to Drink Water

World's best ultra pure, therapeutic, diatomic hydrogen
technology with over 12 patents in Japan and worldwide.

The Intelligent Way to Drink Water

World's best ultra pure, therapeutic, diatomic hydrogen
technology with over 12 patents in Japan and worldwide.
  • Counter Top Deoxidizer

    Deoxidized Hydrogen
    Rich Water Module

  • Water Purifier and
    Mineral Alkalizer

    Under Sink Purifier

All materials have been tested

for safety and guarantee
  • RoHS

  • NSF

  • FDA

  • WQA

  • SGS

  • OMN

3 advanced technologies
integrated in 1 perfect system

  • Water Purifier

    Ultra Pure
    Water Cartridges

    Learn More

  • Mineral Alkalizer

    Mineral Alkaline
    Water cartridge

    Learn More

  • Deoxidizer

    Deoxidized Hydrogen
    Rich Water Module

    Learn More

System Overview


Stage 6

  • Pre-Filtration

    Stage 1

  • Advanced Filt.

    Stage 2

  • Ultra Pure

    Stage 3

  • Remineralization

    Stage 4

  • Inhibitor

    Stage 5

First, let's get your water ultra pure and mineral alkaline.


Water Purifier

Ultra Pure Water cartridges

If more than 70% of the human body is water, the easiest and best way to keep healthy, is simply consuming plenty of quality water and a natural balanced diet.

This technology provides the best possible water quality.
German high tec antimicrobial, polysulfon, semipermeable double core membrane.

  • 0.01


    Semipermeable Membrane
  • 100


    Bacterial and Viral Reduction
  • 100


    Free of Heavy Metals and Chemicals
  • 3000



Ultra Pure Water Cartridges

  • Pre Filtration

    Stage 1. Best for Plants

    High density, food degree, multilayer polypropylene prefilter efficiently retains suspended solids, organic material , mud, asbestos, oxide, dust, and other particles down to 1 micron recovering water clarity and transparency. Its multilayer type allows this cartridge to filter more water without clogging.

  • Advanced Filtration

    Stage 2. Best for Pets

    The world’s finest Granular Activated Carbon Kuraray imported from Japan and certified by the NSF (National Safety Federation) retains chlorine, chloramine, arsenic, trihalomethanes and up to 800 different disolved water pollutants for achieving exceptional taste and a higher grade of purity.

    High purity Copper - Zinc alloy, made in the US (patented) polarizes water reducing heavy metal contaminants such as lead, cadmium, chrome, reduces water hardness as at the same time it provides a bacteria killing effect.

  • Ultra Pure

    Stage 3. Only in Standard Version

    Kortech Polysulfon membrane imported from Korea with semipermeable capacity allows water passage through its 0.01 micron pores eliminating bacteria, virus, cysts and fungus. The membrane special composition destroys microorganisms effectively.

    Ultra Pure water purification that achieves 100% microbiological removal and a effective colloids, asbestos, and other water disolved pollutant reduction

  • Hard Water

    Stage 3. Only in Hard Water Version

    High quality hard water membrane made in the USA that is able to remove a wide spectrum of contaminants such as dissolved salts, lead, mercury, calcium, iron, copper, chromium, arsenic, fluoride, radium, nitrates, sulfates, asbestos, cysts and other chemical contaminants as metal ions and aqueous salts producing chemically pure water.
  • Inhibitor

    Stage 5. Best for Human consumption and Food processing

    The world’s finest Granular Activated Carbon Kuraray imported from Japan and certified by the NSF (National Safety Federation) eliminates VOC´s, retains MTBE, absorbs tastes, odors, other organic matter and up to 300 different chemicals dissolved in water for achieving exceptional taste and a higher grade of purity.

    Impregnated coloidal silver Zeomic from Japan provides the cartridge chamber with a bacteriostatic effect in which bacteria, virus, cysts and fungus reproduction is disabled. This ensures that water will mantain its freshness reliably.


Mineral Alkalizer

Antiox Mineral Alkaline Water Cartridge

Alcalyt uses high quality tourmalines in a process known as alkalization by selective mineralization that imitates
nature’s mineralization which occurs in rivers and springs. Creating alkaline water with excellent flavor just as it occurs naturally.

9.5 pH

Antioxidant Power

Mineral Alkaline Water Cartridge

Our cartridge adds a balanced combination of essential, negatively charged minerals to the water creating alkaline pH water

Mineral Alkalizer

Stage 4. Best for Sports and Activity Hydration

Tourmalines (highly compressed ceramics) imported from Japan enrich water with 7 essential minerals as negative ions, accelerating hydration and encouraging the body's biochemistry.

Tourmalines provide a mineral based weak alkaline essence adjusting water pH between 7.5 and 9.5. This helps blood achieve its optimal pH in which hemoglobin is able to transport more oxygen to the cells. Sugar and fat burning is accelerated providing more energy to the body with a sense of wellness while fostering weight loss (Bohr effect). Simultaneously the bodys capacity to remove toxins increases fostering an alkaline state in which diseases can't develop.


  • Calcium

    It's found mainly in dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt and helps keep our bones strong avoiding osteoporosis.
  • Iodine

    It's obtained mainly from iodized salt, seafood and some dark green vegetables. Its absence causes physical and mental alterations in children's development.
  • Iron

    It's found in meat, egg, fish and poultry. It's needed to help the blood to collect and distribute oxygen through the heart, brain and lungs.
  • Phosphorus

    It's found in foods such as bran, corn, meat and fish. Phosphorus helps maintain circulatory and digestive systems in optimum condition, nourishes the brain, eyes, muscles and liver.
  • Selenium

    It´s a mineral found mainly in seafood and plays a vital role in protecting cells against free radicals, molecules that cause cancer.
  • Zinc

    It's found in whole grains, veggies and tea. It helps strengthen the immune system. Zinc deficiency causes skin problems and delays the healing of wounds.
  • Potassium

    It helps nerves and muscles to electrically communicate, allows nutrients to flow into cells and helps remove waste from cells.
  • Magnesium

    It can be found in fruits, cereals and dairy products. Promotes healthy neurons and increases the transmission of electrical impulses in the central nervous system.
  • These tourmalines, imported from Japan, allow selective mineralization that produce water with a pH of 8.5 to 9.5 and an antioxidant power greater than green tea (-350 mv).

    By drinking up to 2 quarts of alkaline water on a daily basis, blood is stabilized at a pH of 7.40 to 7.45, which is ideal for better oxygenation, flow, nutrient delivery and for the removal of toxins and CO2 at the cellular level.

Now, let's make your water great.



Deoxidized Hydrogen Rich Water Module

Unlike other products, Our Deoxidizer has a new PEM technology to dissolve pure hydrogen in water.
Other products generate oxygen and ozone as well as hydrogen, which can be more harmful than beneficial.

  • -500mV

    ORP. Antiox Power

  • 1,100 ppb

    Particles per Billion

Deoxidizer Premium Specs

12 Japanese, Korean and international patents
  • The oxidizing agent is separated completely from the water chamber into a special filter.
  • High speed powerful electrolysis allows a complete and clean water molecule dissociation that avoids OH- radical formation, no partial splitting.
  • Super pure titan and platinum plates produce high purity diatomic hydrogen.
  • In the process material is sterilized.
  • No waiting for water

    Unique direct flow design

  • Beautiful and Elegant

    Compact countertop design

  • Labyrinth type 120 mini chambers for micro-electrolysis create a greater amount of diatomic hydrogen.
  • Dissolved diatomic hydrogen of 1,100 ppb or more to supply sufficient hydrogen, therapeutic degree.
  • Therapeutic hydrogen water contains nothing more than pure diatomic hydrogen, no byproducts.
  • Nano bubbling, with bubbles less than 1/100 micrometer hydrogen gas is retained longer in the water.
  • Possible to install under sink for feeding countertop 'goose neck' faucet.
  • Beautiful, elegant, compact countertop design.
  • This module has several security and maintenance functions.

Patented and Unique Deoxidation Principle

Hydrogen is created by the elimination of
toxic oxygen while dissociation occurs.

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